Monday, November 30, 2009

Liquid Dinner

Most of the time, I like to drink icy cold beer in a longneck bottle. My preference is for domestic brands with a light, watery flavor - generally not-very-well-respected by regular beer drinkers. Gotta keep an eye on the waistline . . . never mind that I just tossed out the scale. No, a new one is not on Santa's list.

The holidays can wreak havoc on the mid-section, hips, thighs and jowls. As I sit down to respond to a few holiday party invitations (and "weigh" the consequences), I remembered the strategy of the parents of dear friends -- Thursday Night Liquid Dinner. Once a week, these mature adults, over the age of 21, drink their dinner (responsibly, at home). Skip the meat and potatoes. Forgo the heaping bowl of pasta. Mix up a delicious drink. Sip with the s.o.s.o. ("spouse or significant other"). Devour delightful conversation. Turn in early for a little extra beauty sleep.

Here's their Cosmo recipe that is sometimes on the Thursday night menu.

1 1/2 cups vodka (use a good one, please)
1/2 cup triple sec
1/2 cup Rose's lime juice
2 1/2 cups 100% cranberry juice
Mix in a pitcher and chill before serving.

Is it Thursday yet?

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